My Story
Growing up, I'd always had a passion for storytelling. I developed a passion for storytelling by creating plays and videos with my dolls using my parents’ old camera. My first exposure to film was acting in a first short film role as Desireé in “Iron Play,” directed by Jasmine McLaurin.
With a growing interest in performing arts, I trained in ballet, contemporary, jazz, and hip-hop from 2012 through 2017 at Addicted to Dance, Philadelphia Dance Theater, and The Rock School for Dance Education. During this time, I traveled to Mexico on a mission trip. This significant and purposeful adventure reignited my drive for writing and filmmaking.
In 2017, my family moved to Maui and I joined an environmental film club called the Maui Huli’au Foundation (MHF). While a member, I completed two award-winning films, "Earth Doctor" (2018) and "The Ocean: Our Foundation '' (2018).
In 2018, I founded Written Truth Productions with the goal of telling stories that inspire people to know the true character of Adonai, be reconnected to creation, and do what He's called us to do.
Since then, I have independently written, directed, shot and edited 5 short films: "Silence" (2021), "Nā Nalu Nui" (2021), and "The Reconnection" (2022), "Trashed" (2023), and "A Different Voice" (2023).
"The Reconnection" has been accepted into the Hawai'i International Film Festival, won Best Editing at the Christian Youth Film Festival, and won an Award of Recognition at the Accolade Globe Film Competition. "Silence" has been accepted into the Flint Youth Film Festival, The Hawai'i International Film Festival, won the Best Actress Award in the Newark International Youth Film Festival, and won Best Editing, Best Sound, and Best Application of Scripture at the Christian Youth Film Festival. Both "Silence" and "The Reconnection" were nominated for Best Picture at the Christian Youth Film Festival.
I currently fund my projects by doing freelance media work as well as nature and family photography. Companies I've worked with in the past include Bridge builder Cinematic Arts, the Pacific Whale Foundation, The Christian Youth Film Society, and the Auwahi Forest Restoration project.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
-John 1:1-5
For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, 6being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.
-2 Corinthians 10:3-6
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.